What is a Hormone Doctor?

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Hormones play an essential role in the overall health and function of the human body. They act as the body’s chemical messengers, traveling through the bloodstream into various tissues and organs. Once there, they help regulate hundreds of processes and functions inside the body.

As part of the endocrine system, hormones are produced by the endocrine glands – including the thymus, adrenal glands, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, pineal gland, pancreas, thyroid gland, and parathyroid glands. Some are also produced by the ovaries (female) and testicles (male).

Some of the most prominent and important hormones in the human body include thyroid hormones, melatonin, testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, cortisol, insulin, prolactin, human growth hormone (HGH), serotonin, glucagon, follicle stimulating hormone, leptin, and more.

What is a Hormone Doctor?

A hormone doctor, professionally known as an endocrinologist, is someone who specializes in the detection, diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring of hormone-related diseases. Anything that has a negative impact on your endocrine system should be looked at by a hormone doctor.

Since the body needs hormones in very small amounts, any increase or decrease in hormone levels (no matter how small or large) can result in unwanted symptoms and an increased risk of disease. Hormone doctors are trained and licensed to help prevent and treat such occurrences.

At first, your hormone doctor will ask you questions and review your family and personal medical history to get a better feel for your health and/or risks. At that point, they’ll order some tests and blood work to further evaluate your body, detect the problem, and find a solution.

What is a Hormone Doctor?

What Does a Hormone Doctor Treat?

Hormone doctors treat any hormone-related condition as they specialize in finding the hormonal imbalance, determining the cause of the imbalance, and offering a practical and effective treatment plan to normalize hormone levels and prevent imbalances from occurring in the future.

Let’s take a quick look at some of the most common conditions treated by a hormone doctor:

  • Diabetes
  • Metabolic syndrome or disorder
  • Osteoporosis
  • Menopause (women)
  • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)
  • Cancer of an endocrine gland
  • Infertility
  • Goiter (thyroid gland)
  • Gigantism or dwarfism
  • Addison’s disease (adrenal gland)
  • Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD)
  • Hirsutism (excessive hair growth)

When hormone levels aren’t regulated inside the body, patients experience a wide range of symptoms. Seeing a hormone doctor is essential to treating those symptoms, which greatly improves the patient’s quality of life and allows for a much happier and more rewarding life.

When Should You See a Hormone Specialist?

With roughly 10 major organs involved in the production and release of hormones, there are a number of problems that can arise from a hormone imbalance. In fact, most people with a hormonal imbalance might not know it and it might even get misdiagnosed as something else.

Here are some of the most telling signs and symptoms that you should schedule an appointment with a hormone doctor:

  • Excessive fatigue, insomnia, and/or exhaustion
  • Unexplained weight changes (weight loss or weight gain)
  • Anxiety, depression, higher levels of stress
  • Unexplained changes in menstrual cycles
  • Unexplained hair growth
  • Hot flashes or moments of extreme cold
  • Weak muscles and/or bones
  • Abnormal bone development
  • Pain in bones and joints
  • Difficulty concentrating or focusing
  • A reduction in sex drive or libido
  • Jitters, excessive shaking, or tremors

If treatment isn’t found in a timely manner, hormonal imbalances will continue to grow worse and will start to have a negative impact on other areas of the body. If you start to experience any of the above symptoms, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with a trusted hormone doctor.

How to Find the Right Hormone Doctor for You

There are more than 50 hormones in the human body and they each have a number of different functions and responsibilities. Not only that, but a problem with one hormone can create an issue with other hormones, meaning you better have a competent hormone doctor by your side.

Here are some of our best tips when finding the right hormone doctor for you:

  • Always check your hormone doctor’s certifications, licenses, and college degrees
  • Never schedule an appointment with a hormone doctor without first looking at their patient reviews, testimonials, and feedback
  • Find a hormone doctor that works close to your home to avoid long-distance traveling
  • If possible, find a hormone doctor that offers telemedicine (virtual appointments)
  • Ask the hormone doctor if they’ve treated anyone with similar symptoms as yourself
  • Don’t be afraid to ask them about their own personal philosophy and treatment methods or techniques
  • Make sure your hormone doctor is someone you feel comfortable with, especially when sharing personal or private information
  • Ask friends and family members if they know of any quality hormone doctors
  • Ask your primary care doctor if they have any recommendations or referrals
  • Make sure your hormone doctor has a strong passion for the endocrine system and an even stronger passion for treating individuals
  • Always go with your gut feeling, so long as it’s reasonable and trustworthy

Much like any other member of your healthcare support team, your hormone doctor will work closely with your primary care doctor and other specialists, when needed. Since symptoms and conditions can overlap, it’s always best to find a hormone doctor you can trust and rely on.

Contact HGH Meds Today!

Have you started noticing any of the symptoms we discussed above? Are you experiencing hormone imbalances that you want to get looked at? Has your primary care doctor suggested you speak with a hormone doctor? If you answered yes to any of those questions, contact us.

If you feel like you could benefit from a consultation with a hormone doctor or would like to learn more about how a hormone doctor can help you achieve optimal health, then contact us.